I hope none of my comment would be considered a "spoiler". It's not meant to be. It's pretty hard to give a decent review without really talking about the movie content, however.
Most of this movie was beautifully done, portraying the calm confidence of Mary and the struggles within the early church, especially for Peter, being looked to by everyone as the "leader". I felt, however, that it was made wonderfully clear that we are ALL followers, more than leaders, which is a good thing, since Christ is the Head, not any man or woman.
I was pleased with Mary's encouragement to the men, for the most part. She brought them successfully back to the beginning, where it all started. However, I was perturbed by Mary's closing words to the men, which were basically the words of Jesus and more along the lines of Catholicism's beliefs about Mary. That totally conflicted me, unfortunately.
I also wondered about the authenticity of the "communion" for that period of time. Was it really so? I would have imagined a loaf being broken and passed around.
On the whole, this movie was thought provoking and beautifully done, with only the one major disagreement for me, concerning Mary and doctrine around her.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment....