This show is a hilarious yet quite simple show. The show doesn't require extremely well thought out and written jokes in order to be funny. It's just the simple and natural feel of the comedy in the show is what makes it amazing. What also makes it very amazing is the fact that the work is genuine. No one can be able to replicate this masterpiece like George himself. The only people who can make similar works of art are those he works with, his friends. Such as maxmoefoe, idubbbz, anything for views, etc. And even then the works of these other people are very genuine in their own. Their works as well offer the same simple yet very hilarious attitude as provided in the filthy frank show. What's great also is that no matter how big the channel gets, it still feels like the channel is small and that George will probably never sell out, as he does not care about what others think. This show is pure art.