This excellent film written by Eric Eeinstock is made to perfection. I'm surprised how well it has come out when he is working a second job at the same as a ultra successful dentist. I'm a harsh critic, but there is nothing wrong with this beauty. The elequent words used are amazing and bring this movie to life. I would say this movie is Rocky 2.0. Incredible! Stupendous! Eric weisntock is a one of a kind person. As a previous reviewer said that it brought out the horny audience; well it did and much more. It got my blood flowing in the first scene and then I was crying towards the end with tears of joy. If you don't like this thriller, then you have no purpose in living in the first place. This film blew all the other movies of 2017 out of the water, just like the Germans blew the Lusitania out of the water in WWI. Don't listen to the terrible critics out there who rate this. As; they just are jealous they can't be such a successful two job person like Eric. I really enjoyed the part when one character walked out of the ring disappointed because it reminds me of a story close to home about a town next door who's high school had a walkout after being beat up emotionally. I would recommend this movie to anyone.