I am a fan of post-apocalyptic movies and for the first 20 minutes this film shows promise, good visuals and mood. But then it crawls repeating the same shots and mild shocks until after the hour mark. At this stage you are left wondering when the real story is going to start. Plot elements are started but then abandoned. A little mystery is a good idea in this genre, it heightens the fear but at some point you need an actual narrative to draw it all together.
The ending did force a climax but it seemed botched somewhat by the director so you are left wondering exactly what happened.
The biggest failing is I didn't feel interested enough in the characters to care enough about them during the attempted resolution.
I understand that the budget would have been small but that is no excuse. The camera work was fine. The frights were well done and the tension was well maintained but it gets boring when repeated. The actors did a good job though some were miscast. It was the writing and direction that let the story down.
For a better example of a post apocalyptic movie with a similar setting look at One Hundred Mornings.