An extreme attempt at a world record by bicycling from Nordkapp to Capetown in 100 days!
In this documentary Pakravan an Pawley put most of their fokus on reaching their bicykling goal each day, and that makes for a somewhat shallow documentary. The viewer only gets glimts of each country, its population and the problems that come with biking through them.
It would have been great to get some more graphic illustrations about of the quality of the roads, the distance traveled in every country, the major troubles of biking through the different countrys and so on.
One thing that struck me right from their start in Norway was that their planning seemed to be a bit lacking. Such misses in planing made the documentary a bit more thrilling to watch. The question i asked my self was: Will they make it if they have these problems straight away?
So, if your planing on biking a long distance. Then this documentary might show you some of the difficulties and hazards of such a journey, in such case it would be worth a watch. For me it was i nice watch while i was having my daily workout on my rowingmachine. Not great, not bad.
Other reviewers seem to dislike that there is a lot of complaining by the bikers in the documentary, but this kind of documentary about such a massive attempt at biking so long WITHOUT complaining would have been no where near reality. This kind of adventure surely would make everyone attempting a similar challenge complain and question the journey, every single day!