RELEASED TO TV in 2014 and directed by Eric Red, "Night of the Wild" chronicles events in a small American town after a meteorite shower causes canines to go crazy. Rob Morrow, Kelly Rutherford, Tristin Mays & Carmen Tonry play the family trying to escape the carnage.
The extremely low-rated reviews are inaccurate and are obviously knee-jerk reactions to this being an Asylum movie. While Asylum movies CAN suck, this one is pretty good for what it is, a made-for-TV creatures-run-amok flick. Actually, "Night of the Wild" is relentless almost from the get-go with the various canine attacks, the final act going into overdrive. It could even be argued that the horror is so unremitting that the movie is one-dimensional. For the most part, the dogs are real canines and the movie commendably depicts them in a convincingly ferocious manner, which is reminiscent of 1981's "Wolfen." They coulda done better with the women, however. Yet Mays is pretty stunning in a semi-exotic way and Mary Katherine O'Donnell is quite fetching, although the latter doesn't last long. The score is actually quite moving.
The only reason I'm NOT giving this a more recommendable rating is because of the dumb things people do during the attacks, the precise opposite of what they should do. For instance, two people leave the sure shelter of the second story room of a house to go back outside where dogs are on the prowl practically everywhere. Or when two people hide under a truck, like the dogs wouldn't be able to perceive them or get to them (rolling my eyes). Also a certain person is seriously attacked in two episodes, but escapes pretty much unscathed. If you can handle these kinds of plot flaws "Night of the Wild" delivers for what it is, a Grade B nature-runs-amok flick.
THE FILM RUNS 89 minutes and was shot in Slidell & New Orleans, Louisiana, with establishing shots in presumably California. WRITER: Delondra Williams .