This might possibly be the worst film of the year so far. It is so badly shot, I thought it might have been filmed with a hand phone. I think the 'director' was going for a documentary style film in some scenes but it just ended up making me feel seasick.
The acting is truly atrocious. The hospital scene towards the beginning of the film might be the most badly acted scenes in the history of badly acted scenes. Although the bar scene might actually be even worse.
The 'actors' don't seem to be actually trying. They are just talking their lines. Now this might work with some actors but not with these ones. They just sound like kids in a class when they have to read the lines of a play out loud.
The writing is also horrendous. I think my favourite line is when someone said, "We don't have any room on this team for incompetency." Apart from the fact that the word should be incompetence, I was thinking, "Oh, the irony".
I'm also unimpressed with the special effects in the 'sci-fi' bits. I am absolutely sure that pretty much every idea was stolen from some other film. Even the music seems to have come from 'Prometheus'.
I could go on but it is not worth my effort. This is where IMDb really needs to have a zero star rating as I felt my 1 star was way too generous.