To quote one of the addicts in this documentary, "..Like, I just want to be with my heroin and me and nobody else."
I really used to feel bad for drug addicts, alcoholics, people hooked on meth, or some other drug of choice. Now, they have no impact on my soul anymore. Absolutely none. I had a friend who was an addict, and I saw the horrible choices she made, and rejected all the help that was offered to her, really good genuine help. I understand that heroin is truly truly addictive and all these druggies think about is the next high. But like I said, I have absolutely no empathy for them, not any more.
The fact that so many young people are hooked on this garbage is what's really sad because these are the people who would've been professionals later or good people, or good parents, or good friends to someone. But when one of these drug kids said after she got out of the hospital from an overdose and she was given Narcan, she went back out into the parking lot and shot up again. Well, if that's your choice, good riddance.
I watch these documentaries sometimes hoping to see some kind of change trending, but it doesn't. And yes I do blame the doctors for prescribing these opioids. I blame them as much as I blame these idiots making poor choices for their lives. And some of these young girls are leaving children behind. What can you do? Absolutely nothing.