I wanted to like 'Capture Kill Release', I really did. I'm a big fan of the "found footage" genre. It has produced some of my favourite horror films because it can be a very effective tool when used correctly. 'Capture Kill Release' however, was not a film that should have used it. The point of using it is to make things feel as realistic as possible and thus more scary. The way this film used it though had the opposite effect. Instead, I kept thinking to myself how absurd it was that they were filming this and how completely unrealistic the whole thing was.
Another problem I had with this movie was it that it was supposed to be a horror, yet it never once feels like a horror other than the odd bit of gruesome dismemberment. It plays out more like a drama. And that would be fine if that was what they were intending (in fact I think that would have made for a much better film had it focused itself in that direction), but you can clearly tell that they were indeed trying to make a horror movie and simply failed miserably.
Add in some pretty horrible acting from the entire cast and you have a complete misfire. A 90 minute film should never feel this long, dull and drawn out. There are some brilliant films out there in the "found footage" genre. I suggest watching one of those instead.