Not well written or executed. The acting was fine, but the characters were not well developed. For example, we just get bits and pieces of conversation. Nothing is ever hashed out, which is frustrating due to the presentation of tension between the characters. Other things just don't make sense. Why plot a home invasion at the rare evening when the entire family (6 and a guest) all happen to be there? Victim one in the woods stabs his perpetrator with a knife then leaves the knife in the body rather than cutting the ropes around his wrists. Another brother uncovers a motorcycle from the shed, and oh my, there happens to also be a loaded gun there as well. One step brother reveals to the other that he and his real brother are cut out of the inheritance-why? what's the purpose? That would completely work against the final twist of the plot. There's more, but hopefully I've said enough to keep you from wasting your time.