...no hope for escape.
That's what From Software could never do, get a song stuck into your head.
Other than that, I really liked it, but I don't know about die-hard From Software fans. The bosses are only a few and quite easy, but the rest is probably harder than Souls games.
There's not as much enemy variety, but there are some new gameplay elements. There is the possibility to bank your currency at medbays ("bonfires"), you can cut off body parts from enemies (and these are required for crafting new armor), and there are sets bonuses. There's a lot to learn even if you played Souls games.
The level design is not as masterfully crafted, but it's good. Often, frustrating. The second area was basically impossible for me to learn.
The combat is simply great, it can be fast, slow or in-between, there are combos and finishing moves, and plenty of weapons to go around.
The atmosphere is great, managing to capture the Soulslike feeling in a sci-fi, industrial environment. There's also a story told mainly by NPCs, not as cryptic as Souls games, but not great, either.
It's the best Soulslike, if you ask me, adding plenty of innovations to the formula, most of which are really good.