Movie starts of as a typical serialkiller story. This far in its all fine. But after a while you recognize the flaws. The movie tries to make the cops to be profilers on the side, but stop in a deeper analysis, they just mention information all the way, without going into deeper detail or explanation, so you have to take it for granted that you know what they mean. The serialkiller is compared to very intelligent serial killers, like Bundy, but messes around with sterotypical depiction of a serialkiller.
The main cast is great, but you feel that even they were bored by the script in their acting, besides that, the whole sidecast is unrecognizable poor. Bad acting all the way. So you keep thinking about every aspect of the movie: is that the best you could do? Why is everything so obvious? Isn't that Al Pacino?
In a serialkiller movie you expect it to be full of riddles hard to get, trying to outsmart the cops before they get it. But here its their first guess, no hints and you are at the next crimescene, because it all happend in the cops head, no information for you. And then there are the wildes connections comming from nowhere and do not start on reasons.
Watch something else before you watch this one here, except you want to watch a typical, generic movie full of killer stereotypes that doesn't need you to think or even watch it the whole time