The straight-forward first 45 minutes is ponderous, vague, and a chore to sit through, as I started clock watching, getting irritated by these obnoxious characters, and their actions, wondering if I was wasting my time. While the second 45 goes 360 degrees uping the ante, becoming urgent and providing dagger moments leading to a symbolic cultural reveal that does a total backflip on what I initially thought. It does complicate things, maybe even cheats the viewer, but I kind of dug it, because it went somewhere I didn't expect to go. Does it make sense.. didn't bother me. It was somewhat different. Surprising though, after what we got from the first half, yet it's still your average Chinese ghost film filled with idol chat, questionable decisions, investigating, hiding and running. Rinse and repeat.
The story follows a group of friends on their way to a wedding, when they come across a fatal car accident on the highway. Since they don't want to be late, they decide to leave as if they didn't know anything of it. This is where the bad luck begins, first their vehicle breaks down, secondly there's no one to be found in the nearby roadside restaurants/stores and thirdly, no phone reception. However there's something supernatural at work, which doesn't want them to leave alive.
How things play out is your typical resentful wraith picking off selfish characters (outside the main protagonist), one-by-one, in mostly tame, repetitive off-screen deaths, where it cuts away with the victim screaming (at least, in the first half). In glimpses, we see the long black hair, covering the face, pale skin, the white gown, as this ghost appears, and disappears, from behind, from above, tormenting the victims, lights start flickering, for darkness to engulf, her victims frozen in fear, once she gets them, the aftermath isn't pretty. The second half provides more of the same, but there are few less annoying characters (alive) and better set-ups of a decent shock or two (the best involving white sheets and wire).
There's a real glassy sensibility from its execution, a slight premise punctuated by jump scares over chills, which only seems to take away from the location's forlorn nighttime atmosphere. For some I can see it getting old, pretty quick, it's predictable, until it comes to its close.