I found "Christmas Blood" to be both entertaining and a bit frustrating. The intro into this holiday nightmare was exciting and almost set a cool tone. Kiil definitely loves the horror subgenre. There are elements of Miller's "Silent Night" and the original "Black Christmas". Unfortunately there was a choice made to layer the story with subplots that just weigh the film down.
The characters were typical horror tropes. Sometimes entertaining on screen, at other times their presence felt clumsy. With two story lines happening I didn't feel the characters, on whole, had enough time to fully develop. I did get into them enough to be excited for what their fate would be. Fleshy blood bags.
The cinematography and atmosphere was nice. "Christmas Blood" visually played out like a series of motion horror postcards and 80's fab slasher fodder. That I liked. As I said earlier there are ememnts of Steven C. Miller, and thanks to the location I got a chilly vibe akin to "30 Days Of Night". Overall this one will disappoint some horror fans. The big thrill is in the kills which are gory and great. The music score fits nicely and, despite the harsh convergence of the two plot story, Kiil stayed true to the Christmas slasher subgenre.