The story is a stereotypical paranormal tale combined with classic demonic possession. Told from a video diary point-of-view, sporadically the film jumps to the more conventional third person. It seems to be at the descretion of the director. More likely an attempt to break up the monotony of the faux found footage moments. I actually liked it, it gave a bit more credence to the horror elements.
As for character development and acting, "The Possession Diaries" misses the mark on both accounts. The lead seems as sterile and devoid of emotion as a robot, both in jester and inflection. The performance came off as a bad audition tape. The other characters were barely visible bit players, save the priest. His character had the potential to really sell this low budget nightmare. Unfortunately it just never happened. All except the last scenes. It was impactful, dark, emotionally chilling and I felt it totally!
Special effects are the typical paranormal activity tricks, screeching spooky sounds, stuff moving and shadowy surroundings. There is some moments it works nicely but a lot of the stuff is pre-2000 gamer CGI stuff. The possession portrayal was mediocre at best, mostly just comical- not in the good way. Everything seen and heard in "The Possession Diaries" is base material already overdone in this subgenre. Overall the film isn't anything to rush to experience, but maybe a free flick on Redbox or Vudu, and a little time to waste.