Watching this film took me back to my boarding school years in the 70.s in India on a hill station.
I was bullied a lot , for being fair, pretty...I relived my school days watching this..It was five years of hell...but I was good at sports..
We didn't have a teacher we could turn to that was kind..we lived in fear of them and the bullies...There were always threats to get your sister(in another school)for saying anything...We were 9 yrs old..there was sexual abuse, even by some teachers...we were thrashed and beaten up for no reason or something frivolous..This film has surfaced those scars again..
Watch this film as a Shakespeare film rather than expect a happy Bollywood ending where good scores over evil.. The good die and the tormented turn to
becoming wicked .There is no justice.
To those suffering being bullied, defend your self somehow, seek help, speak to someone ..get out if you can...don't suffer in silence .. Don't scar yourself for life..
Watch this film and if you are bullying some one, recognise the damage you will cause wouldn't want that to happen to you or your kids in the future.
The film is brilliantly acted and whilst I'm perplexed by the ending , I'm glad I came across it and watched it. Kunal Kapur shines and I wish We had such a teacher in my school days.