In a country where the first university was established in the 20th century, this film is a milestone, a turning point and an enlightenment in terms of its capturing storyline, acting quality, excellence in terms of the technicality of cinema, the messages it gives and so on!
Since I work in the US, I am aware of how important the art, literature and lately the film industry is in scientific developments. Remember how many years submarines appeared on the stage of history after Jules Verne's book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Unfortunately, Turkey is not even at the stage of dreaming about science and technology yet.
As a scientist who believes that many Cem Yilmaz films should be included in primary, middle and high school curricula, I believe that even thinking that this film is only a tribute to Yesilcam is a result of this lack of imagination of science.
As many Cem Yilmaz viewers agree, since Cem Yilmaz never made films for money or popularity, his films are 40-50 years ahead of the country's level of education, consciousness, imagination and creativity.
Perhaps those who will invent and produce Turkey's first one-of-a-kind artificial intelligence some decades from now, I am sure, will remember ArifV216 with gratitude and a big smile.