The film, shot in December 2016, was initially meant to premiere in the USA on the Hallmark Channel as part of its annual "Countdown to Valentine's Day" lineup on February 12th 2017, the third of five original films that would have premiered under the branding that year and the second of four such films to premiere on four consecutive nights leading up to Valentine's Day (the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th).
Three weeks before however, despite publicity for the film having started with the airing of promos and the sending of press releases, the Hallmark Channel removed the film from the schedule for undisclosed reasons and without stating if and when it would be rescheduled, moving
Una cita con el destino (2017) (which had been scheduled for the 13th) to its spot and thus having no original film on the 13th.
Eventually, almost a full year later, on January 2nd 2018, the film was made available in the USA through Hallmark's streaming service, Hallmark Movies Now, under the new title "Once Upon a Winter's Date." The release however cut out over 10 minutes of footage from the film and was wrongly marketed as a "World Premiere Movie Event" since the film had by then already aired in other countries such as the UK and France in its full, uncut version.
Finally, after two years on Hallmark Movies Now, the film was removed from the platform in December 2020 and finally aired on the Hallmark Channel on February 14th 2021, with its initial title "Valentine's Again," as the third of five "original" films in that year's "Love Ever After" lineup (which replaced "Countdown to Valentine's Day" the previous year).