I tuned in for Aaron Pederson, not having seen the previous 'Mystery Roads'. Tho the series traverses some familiar themes eg the darker side of a remote town with a bunch of colourful characters, a crime that exposes a whole bunch of secrets, a cop with a chequered past and estranged from family etc etc, but the story still had enough mystery and red herrings to keep me watching till the end. Just to see all those actors together - Pederson, Colin Friels, Judy Davis, Deb Mailman, Tasma Walton, against the stunning backdrop of the harsh and huge - but beautiful - Kimberley .... wow. Ernie Dingo in the last episode was a revelation - as was the man who played the young Scottish backpacker in the scene where he leapt out of the car , tensed to face the thugs. Evocative music and evocative use of scenery. And the sense of no matter how far away you go, you can't escape your past or who you really are. I really enjoyed this!