Ok, so first of all, I have absolutely ZERO idea what teglundsamuel was talking about when he said this had bad acting, writing, etc and gave it only one star. Only thing I can figure is that he stopped watching it about 5 minutes into episode 1.
The reviewer that gave it 5 stars specifically says they stopped watching in episode 3 (which is when the 100% English stops and the subs are required more often), and because someone they thought was hot got killed, so they really have no basis to even write a review.
And the person who gave it 6 stars was upset with the ending, and actually DID like basically everything about it until that point. I get that some people may not be happy with the ending, but it certainly doesn't warrant a reduction 4 stars for that alone. (also that review spoils the end and says who the killer is so I HIGHLY suggest you DO NOT read that review if you plan to watch this).
The writing is very reminiscent of David Lynch ala Twin Peaks or Mulholland Drive. This is a whodunit through and through, and should keep you guessing until about 15 minutes before the end of the final episode.
The acting is really top-notch as well. I have never heard of any of these actors (being Canadian and English myself, I don't watch a lot of foreign productions), but I'm absolutely blown away by at least 2 of the stars. Namely the guy who played Halvar and the woman who played Petra. These 2 are on fire in this mini-series.
To address what the last reviewer said about a good suspense is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time, and have many twists and turns, etc.....this show has all that and then some! In fact there were so many twists and turns in the plot that at times it was actually hard to keep up (but in a good way, a REALLY good way).
In any case, I'm not a reviewer, as I'm sure you can tell, but after reading the last comment and seeing that this somehow only had a 5.4 rating, I simply HAD to write something so that other people will know that they should really give this a shot, and not rely on one person's obviously delusional opinion.
Trust me, if you're into a GREAT story, a murder mystery that will literally keep you guessing until the very end, exceptional acting and outstanding writing, then look no further. Give this a watch and I promise you'll be glad you did.
(just be prepared for subtitles if you're an English speaker--about 65% of this IS in English but the rest is in 3 other languages)
SOLID 9/10