It might be better to see the movie for yourself before reading any reviews or hearing spoilers. 9 stars might be a bit too generous, but these are unique circumstances considering its niche in movie industry. When a new Latvian movie pops up - most people I know - set their expectations really low. This movie is something different entirely (might not be for everyone). It seems polished and thought out - from smaller details like camera work and props to major things like acting, story, flow of dialogues. The movie gives an impression that there were actual professionals working on it. Acting felt very believable for the most part (some minor line deliveries here and there might have gained something from additional takes and direction or maybe some assurance - but that was mostly for one or two secondary or even tertiary characters). Usually with Latvian cinema - a lot of actors act like they are on a theater stage which rarely works in modern movies and feels overacted. Not this movie. The language is coarse, but it depicts quite realistically how some people talk and react to certain things. Every character seems likeable and like someone you can actually relate to. The script is surreal at times and funny throughout - dialogues are organic, the story itself - crazy, but believable, the way characters are introduced and developed - creative and quirky. And the story is quite unpredictable and full of surprises and twists. The whole nostalgia-exploitation works great - the props, the people, the setting. What is even more impressive - this movie was made through donations and crowdfunding. If I had to compare this to something else then I would say that watching this somewhat felt like I was watching something created by Coen brothers or Taika Waititi - in terms of approach to character interactions and some style similarities.