Overall I felt that this standup performance was good. I had some laughs and I enjoyed learning more about Ken Jeong who has always been this wild and crazy character in my head. This man has always fascinated me because he was once a doctor and gave it all up to be an actor. He does talk quite a bit about that switch which was extremely funny and interesting to learn about.
To me this special was the most wholesome in the fact that he contantly talked to the audience as if they were important parts to his act and pointed out his wife and director constantly. The show was about Mr. Jeong and how rich and famous he is but it was also about how he got to where he is and how important all of the people in his life are.
It wasn't the funniest standup I've seen but if you're a fan of Ken's and the work he's done in Hollywood then I think you would enjoy this.
I also think you would enjoy this special if you last name is Ho.