Plot: Around 1789 a Naga sadhu (Saif Ali Khan) who works as a bounty hunter gets wind of Rehmat Khan, a man he has been trying to find and kill for 25 years.
A Naga sadhu (Saif Ali Khan) Addressed in the film as Gossain has built a legend by bounty hunting. Some even calls him a ghost. He covers huge land and difficulties to find his target Rehmat Khan. The film revolves around the question who is he and why is he obsessed with this particular target.
Laal Kaptaan starts with a bang. We get to see some cool actions and amazing dialogues. Saif looks awesome in his Naga sadhu avatar. The whole first part is awesome. I enjoyed it.
The best part of the film is the tracker played by Deepak Dobriyal. His character is amazing so is his performance. His catch phrase is Howdodoo! For few gold coins he can track anyone. If this was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, he would be the ugly.
For this type of film to succeed incredible acting is required, Deepak Dobriyal did and for the most part Saif Ali Khan did it too. The young man in beginning awaiting to be hanged was amazing too. Rest of the cast did not add much.
I found the music to be great as well, it accompanied with some amazing visual.
The self destruction of Rehmat Khan begs the question how he managed to live for so many years. The character of our Bad guy is incoherent and feels dead like the eyes of the actor who played it. But the worst actor credit goes to the widow (Zoya Hussain). It is a pain to see her ruining a superb film. Her character had to had the most depth but she ruined it. A cardboard has more emotional range. In the second part many unnecessary things were shown. And the film felt long.
I enjoyed the first half immensely also the climax. It is an enjoyable film. Also some of the dialogues are very impactful. Over all a very well written film.