First of all, I watched EVERY episode back to back yesterday and FINISHED it. That's how good it was. I don't think people should write a bad review unless they have watched the whole thing. Let me address the bridge scene one bad reviewer spoke about. I can't fully explain without giving away a major plot so I will say this: there is a reason the characters overact to the girl falling just inches into the water. Just when you think, oh ok this is predictable, it throws a curve ball at you that totally changes what you were thinking. At first I was like ok this is your typical teen thriller but after the 2nd episode, I was hooked. You have to watch it through and all the silly things you thought were stupid acting will have you rethinking your life, the paranormal, science and nature. What if, just what if stuff like this could really happen? I thought the last episode would be the end. In the last minute, literally, as it wraps every thing up, it shoves in a new twist with an interesting cliff hanger. These actors will go far as they played their parts much better than some movies with adults actors. Don't listen to the reviews who didn't watch it from beginning to end. They will never understand.