Fascinating time period (feudal Japan) and subject matter (Japanese missionaries voyaging to meet the pope), but done in a stereotypical, juvenile anime-like fashion.
What I mean by this is like shounen action anime or manga, you have the scholar, the happy guy, the cool guy, and the angry, subversive guy with a history of trauma. And that's the case here, except they are Christian acolytes except for the fourth guy, the unbeliever, who constantly steps out of line in a way that became maddening. You're telling me these three "magi" wise men traveled three years across turbulent seas, only for the extra fourth guy (who didn't even need to be there) to be salty at the Pope? Like, that's truly stupid.
The Amazon Prime blurb noted the acclaimed scriptwriting, but I found the dialogue wooden and the many English speaking parts overwritten and unnatural. The words were oddly chosen ("domain lord" instead of "feudal lord"?), or too collegiate instead of short, expressive, or allowing of natural pauses.
Also, some English speakers were evidently Japanese natives, as though they were Caucasian they had Japanese accents when speaking English. And others evidently did not know much Japanese when they spoke the language as it was very cumbersome to hear.
I also felt the episodes weren't succinct enough for compelling narrative drive. There were ten episodes and I stopped watching before halfway.
Reasons to watch however is some explosive action scenes, good costumes, and to watch an interesting chapter of history unfold with two very different peoples and religions. If not for the terribly written characters I would keep watching.