I don't usually fall sleep watching films, but today I did.
I went to Sitges Film Festival and really had high spectations before watching the movie. And meeting the director only made them higher, Jessica Woodsworth is an amazing woman.
The photography is really amazing, the black and white gives it a great essence, the scenarios are wonderful and everything really atracts you at first. The acting thought out all the movie was really good, they made a great choice.
Now here's my problem. A main character who wants to fight an invisible (non existent) enemy, and who fails on it and also fails on the disciplines he's been input is a great theme and really interesting. But, the development of it it's just awful. The whole film feels like nothing is actuallu happening, like if you were wating for the great thing to come, and never does. Maybe a little bit less of effort on the visuals and a bit more of it in the plot would have made the film one of my all time favorites.
In conclusion, the film is too much abstract.
PS: I'm not the only one who thought this, everyone who exited the cinema was talking about the same thing.