Absolutely mind-numbingly boring to anyone that is not a 40-50 year old white guy who had a college band in the Phoenix music scene. It's filled with in-jokes that nobody gets unless they're a 40-50 year old white guy who had a college band in the Phoenix music scene. Couple that with baby boomer style "Marriage is a shackle and wives are horrible!" humor, and you get a film that downright tires anyone under the age of 35.
I wouldn't even consider watching if you're a woman. Every single female character revolves around the men. They're completely devoid of character, 2D creatures meant to fill space and give plot points for the leading boys of the film.
It's hard to enjoy the film unless you are a very very specific demographic who will understand their bizarrely obscure jokes and references. I get the feeling the film was made less for any type of audience and more for the guys making it to live out some fantasy of how they wish their college band had went. It's not the world's most terrible film if you're the exact target audience, but if you're not you're better off just watching Scott Pilgrim again.