Gordon Harker stars as a financier who has financial,political and family struggles with Frank Pettingell.His son played by a very young Richard Hearne is supposed to be a composer who cannot read music or play a note.This may be funny once but it is rather flogged to death by the end.He is courting Pettingell's daughter much to Pettingell's dismay.There is also a plot which involves the cornering of the market in cloves.Harker plays the financier with his rather posh strangulated voice which makes one think that any moment he is going to break out into a cockney accent.Hearne has some acrobatic antics early on.later on in the film his "Mr Pastry" character is seen wandering about in a Turkish bath scene ,grinning for some reason in the background.this film feels as if there were a number of writers all with different ideas as to which direction the film should take.As a result the film does not work and is rather unfunny.Its main interest is in Gordon Harker and Richard Hearne.For fans of either of those actors,of which i am one,this film is of interest.