"Love in High Gear" is a film that is out on DVD from Alpha Video. I have very mixed feelings about this distributor. On one hand, they often bring us various obscure older films you simply cannot find anywhere else. Plus, the DVDs are dirt cheap. On the other hand, the movies are never restored and many (including this one) have very, very ugly prints. While the sound is fair on this one, the print is washed out--and looks much like a film that is a copy of a copy of a copy (or worse).
If "Love in High Gear" would have been a good film, then watching the horrible print would have been worth it. Unfortunately, the film is terribly slow and uninteresting. In fact, I saw nothing that warranted my saying much more than it was pretty dated and lousy. Not worth your time, even if you love the films of the 1930s. Silly, inconsequential and dumb.