Dennis (Charles "Buddy" Rogers) takes Carmelita (Lupe Velez) on a trip to Hawaii for their second honeymoon. All Dennis really wants is to land some big contract. So he brings along Uncle Matt (Leon Errol) to pretend to be Lord Epping but, of course, the real Lord Epping is also on the ship. Because what would a Mexican Spitfire movie be without Leon Errol as the star? When Carmelita finds out the real reason for the trip, she becomes enraged and threatens, once again, to leave Dennis.
Honestly this series tires me out. Watching Carmelita shout and carry on like a child with a tantrum in front of a whole crowd of people is not funny. It just makes me want to fast forward to whenever she's not on the screen anymore. Don't even get me started on stupid Dennis, who apparently has no sex drive. But with the way he parts his hair I'm not surprised. There are some characters from the last movie that are shoehorned into this one. I might complain about Zasu Pitts but I would never complain about any excuse to look at beautiful Marion Martin again. Elisabeth Risdon also returns as Uncle Matt's wife, who remains just about one of the most unlikable people ever. It's a very repetitive series with the same material recycled over and over. If you have never seen a Mexican Spitfire movie, then this one is no better or worse than any other. But if you have seen others, you'll find yourself bored because of the lack of originality.