...in this ludicrous horror tale from Universal and its unlikely director Edward Dmytryk. Among the animals that trainer Fred Mason (Milburn Stone) returns with from Africa is a gorilla with human traits who is also very affectionate. "Brilliant" scientist Dr. Sigmund Walters (John Carradine) conducts glandular experiments on this gorilla and transforms it into a human woman who he names Paula Dupree (Acquanetta). Paula shows a talent for working with animals, so she gets a job as part of the animal taming act of Fred Mason. However, when Paula becomes jealous of Fred's romance with Beth (Evelyn Ankers), it causes her animal side to reemerge. Complications ensue.
I'd seen this once when I was a kid, but decided to rewatch it, and I didn't remember much from it. Carradine is good as the mad doctor, resisting the urge to play it too big. I hadn't recalled Milburn Stone being the hero in this, but I read that he was cast due to his similar build to noted animal tamer Clyde Beatty, whose earlier film The Big Cage provided much stock footage. This movie spends a bit too much time with the animal circus act, and not nearly enough with Carradine's crazy experiments, or with the transformed Paula.