In actuality, the school interiors and neighborhood scenes were filmed in the Fox back lot. The "stars" never stepped foot in SA during the filming. In 1992, I spoke with Jane Withers, and she verified the information. The scene with the Lassos is obviously a rear screen projection.
Jefferson High School itself has incorrect information in its files, as it states a sequel called "Texas Girl" was released a year later. In fact, both are the SAME film, released under different names, in various areas of the country. I researched this information in the Fox Film Archives.
About ten years ago, the movie was screened at Jefferson High. It is very much a "B" movie. The actual interiors of the school are amazing, unlike the lame sets utilized in the film. An even lamer "B" flick, "Johnny Be Good," was also filmed at the school in the late 80s. It has also been the location for numerous TV commercials.