Hedy Lamarr gave a good performance here. No over-acting, but subtle and with a contemporary feel. This was a difficult role. Marvin Myles, without having the bitch on wheels histrionics of Bette Davis or Joan Crawford, was a beautiful and independent woman, who not only survived but actually thrived in a 'man's world'. This was a performance was balanced and sensitive. I think if George Cukor or William Wyler had handles the directorial reigns here, the results would could have made this a memorable films. As it is, it good. One has to remember that in 1941, this is still a period piece, and if one looks deep enough, there's a lot here that's worthwhile. Too bad that modern audiences seem to rely on non-stop action, and don't seem to have the attention span that this kind of movie requires. It's a pity than at least half a Valium is required to enjoy the warmth that is presented here.