Run by entrepreneurial unemployed Leo Gorcey (as "Slip" Mahoney), the back-room of "Louie's Ice Cream Parlor" hosts "The Bowery Boys Club" for young lads who need a place to learn, as Mr. Gorcey explains, "the manly art of self-defense." While sparring with little Rudy Lee (as Herbie), bent-nosed boxer Huntz Hall (as "Sach" Jones) acquires mind-reading powers, after a hit in the head. As he does in other Bowery boy adventures, Gorcey decides to use Mr. Hall's super-power for monetary gain. In this case, the old boys open the "Eagle Eye Detective Agency". Beautiful blonde Joyce Holden (as Myra Hagen) heats up the plot.
There is nothing new here, but it moves along. Hall's stunt double is obvious as he tries to blast open a safe. His mind-reading power doesn't fulfill plot potential. The recent emphasis on "Three Stooges"-type sound-effects slapstick is advanced; director Edward Bernds handled both "The Bowery Boys" and the Stooges. Fatherly Bernard Gorcey (as Louie Dumbrowsky) continues to muse, while second son David "Condon" Gorcey (as Chuck Anderson) and Benny Bartlett (as Butch Williams) are kept to a minimum. Best are the later bits with Gorcey as a bearded doctor, Hall as an old lady patient, and Edith Leslie as his anxious nurse.
**** Private Eyes (12/6/53) Edward Bernds ~ Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bernard Gorcey, Rudy Lee