I'm well aware that Mikio Naruse is one of those holy cows of film history. Criticising him is some kind of blasphemy.
And yet I'll gladly die painfully on this hill: Every single one of his movies is terrible out of principle.
I've you've seen one Naruse, you've seen them all because there is literally nothing to it. Every single story - this one included - is basically about a ridiculously noble, self-pitying, suffering woman in a world where virtually every man is a smug, condescending parody of a man.
Women always have the moral highground and the whole thing is nothing but a mawkish didactic-play with the depth of a sunday morning cartoon.
It's redundand to say anything about his laughable radical feminism and I want my review to finally get through.
Again, his movies are objectively bad, people just don't (want to) see it because we live in objectively bad times.