This is supposed to be the story of Cleopatra's daughter Shila, as she's called in this movie. The problem is that Cleopatra's real daughter Selene II lived between the years of 49- 6 BC. Her supposedly husband Nemorat/Khufu, as he's called if you look at the IMDb or the Wikipedia cast listings, lived between the years of 2589 and 2566 BC. This movie is supposed to be set during the reign of Khufu so somebody, somewhere, obviously made a mistake somehow or perhaps they chose Khufu because it was a royal name. The other problem there is that there was only one King Khufu ever listed.
From a viewing point of view the only good thing about this movie was Debra Paget, the beautiful American actress who played Shila.
On the other hand, the hypochondriac, idiotic Pharoah Nemorat/Khufu, who's mother told him women were dirty, and was forever complaining about bees and wasps getting into his ears to eat his brain, that's if they could find it, was beyond a joke. If Khufu was supposed to be the "real pharoah", you're talking about the same guy who commissioned the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world, which actually still stands in Egypt today.
I'll give Peplum Studios something though, for an early movie of theirs, at least they chose to be in Egypt for a change. At the end of the movie, as Resi (Ettore Mani), and Slila (Debra Paget) ride off into the sunset, you're wondering, (from a historical point of view), what the he** the movie was all about.