No matter what script she was given to do, Joan Crawford was a pro. In this William Castle classic, she proves it again. The plot has been rehashed in previous reviews, so I can get to the heart of the matter here. Joan plays an ex-axe murderess with typical fury, beautifully combined with a poignancy which may be completely unexpected, but nevertheless completely appropriate. Well supported by the underrated Diane Baker, Leif Erikson, Rochelle Hudson and George Kennedy, she gives meaning and depth to what otherwise would have been just another horror film. Whether playing scenes with daughter Baker's boyfriend (John Anthony Hayes) or his snobbish parents, (Howard St, John and Edith Atwater), Crawford is on the money, using her years of experience to transcend her material. Thanks to her, "Strait-Jacket" is a worthy thriller from a Legendary Star and a fondly remembered director. See Castle's other collaboration with Joan, "I Saw What You Did" (1965). It's a winner, too!