I just finished my kerouac biography and am still interested in seeing this film even though he was pretty much worthless as a human being in all practical terms. He is commendable in one thing and that one thing is that he had a passion, and while I believe everyone should have a passion, I'm not into the capitalistic approach of "copy, steal, and loved ones be damned because I'm all that matters to me" approach that feeds Kerouac's delusions(or perhaps not)of grandeur. Anyway, I don't mean to put him down too much. I still liked THE SUBTERRANEANS and ONE THE ROAD because no matter how whimsical the storyline may be, he comes up with valuable truths about life, relationships, and massive orgies!-My top three things to look for in a book-baby SOo-um-yah I would preferably like to rent the movie before I buy it and I've tried libraries, movie rental places(firstchoice&moviegallery), I've even tried ebay(withtherestoftheworld!)- with no luck. Anyone know who might carry it? I'd appreciate any point in the right direction-Thanks!