This is another very well made British Thriller from the late 60s / early 70s. Like other reviews I had seen 'I Start Counting' once before, on late night television, one (I think) Sunday evening in the early 1980s.
It is a film that stayed with me but could never remember its title or even who was in it (I didn't even remember Jenny Agutter as the lead!) until I accidently came across it on a IMDB list. I did recall that it was don't miss a minute suspenseful.
I have now just watched it again and it still stands the test of time. It's a horror / thriller that doesn't rely on blood, gruesome murders or cheap shocks. It keeps the viewer thinking but that is because it is a film with many levels of which the underlining narrative about a serial killer stalking young girls in a village is one of the least compelling - at least to me watching again 50 years after the film was made and around 40 since I last sat entranced.
Agutter and Bryan Marshall are superb in this. She of course has since given many more excellent performances in a lot of very good films but I have never seen Marshall in anything as good or give a portrayal as naturally convincing as this. To be honest I have not seen him in another role so integral to the story.
I would definitely be interested to know why this film is so rarely seen. It is certainly one for fans of the period and also for people who like their suspense to come without gratuitous violence.
A film well worth discovering.
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