This movie has an interesting story and plenty of gun-blazing action. The overall plot is easy to follow, but could have been smoothed out a bit more. I'm not sure if the English version was poorly edited or if the production was a bit sloppy to begin with, but it just seems like some of the events in the story need a little more background or explanation than is given.
Brian Kelly and Fabrizio Moroni give very good performances in the lead roles. Moroni seems kind of like a 19 year-old Tomas Milian in this film. The other actors are just so-so. Keenan Wynn's performance is a bit disappointing considering that he is the most well-known actor in the film.
This is not one of the most highly stylistic Euro-westerns, but it does have it's moments, especially near the end.
The best thing about this movie is the music score. In fact, it's almost too good for the film. I don't remember ever seeing the name of this composer, Sante Maria Romitelli, before. But if I ever do again, I will surely take notice.
All things considered, this is a pretty entertaining film for spaghetti western fans.