British horror/sex shocker about an overbearing mother (played by Ann Todd), her psycho son Kenny (Tony Beckley) and a very strict religious cult, led by Patrick Magee (great actor but this is far from being his best performance). Pre-opening credits we see a young boy being baptised by being immersed in water at the cult's chapel, at the same time a young woman is chased, stripped and thrown dead into water. Early on we see that Kenny is the killer, so there is no mystery in that respect. His mother relationship reminded me of Norman Bates in "Psycho" (1960), they both live in a large Gothic house, only Norman's mother was dead, Kenny's isn't (though she is very ill). There is plenty of female eye candy amongst the cast, and also female nudity, including one scene with full frontal. The murders are fairly vicious but nothing to write home about. I watched the uncut version which is rated BBFC 15, I dread to think how tame the heavily cut X version would have been. I did find it laughable how two young women were happy to accept lifts of a stranger (Kenny in his van). One corpse can be seen breathing and the inclusion of three pop songs throughout the movie proved detrimental to my viewing pleasure, I will add that the film is also a bit boring at times and relies on the kills and nudity to liven it up. Pete Walker made far more enjoyable British shockers than this, The Fiend is watchable but unremarkable.