The veteran producers of Dick Van Dyke had a hand in doing this show. They did a great job. The entire cast of the show was really solid. If you want a prime example of how hot Goldie Hawn was as a young woman, this series really shows her off. This was before Laugh-In.
Billy De Wolf was an excellent Station Manager for this show. His mannerisms on this show were borrowed by Pat Paulsen when he was doing sketches on the Smothers Brothers Comedy hour. De Wolfs character is a classic.
Jodie Baker & Ronnie Schell really complemented each other well on the show as the morning DJ's who were always getting into trouble. I wish the ratings had kept this show on longer. It was the best sitcom on CBS during its short run.
CBS remembered it well as they took the format for this series, tweaked it, & brought it back as WKRP In Cincinnati. When you watch this, it is very obvious where the latter show had its roots. WKRP was a great show in its own right, & lasted longer, but without this show, there would have been no WKRP.
If you see this show anyplace, pick it up. Good Morning World is a 1960's classic. The introduction of each episode has a 1960's flair with the fast shower, shave, & freeway trip to work.