This film begins with a bounty hunter by the name of "Ringo" (Jose Manuel Martin) riding along in a deserted part of the country with the body of a dead man strapped to another horse trailing behind. He then comes across another man who has settled down to lunch over a camp fire eating a plate of beans. Being quite hungry he eagerly accepts the stranger's hospitality and helps himself to some food while his host takes a look at the dead body on the other horse. As the two men are talking it is soon revealed that the stranger is a man named "Glenn 'Django' Garvin" (Glenn Saxson) and he just happens to be the son of the dead man on the horse. Naturally, a gun fight ensues with Django easily killing the bounty hunter and-rather than burying his father right there-he decides to take the body to the nearest town and claim the $5000 reward for himself at the local sheriff's office. However, once he and the sheriff go to the bank for the money he is met with a hostile reaction from the bank owner "Ken Kustler" (Nando Gazzolo) and a rather icy reception from his attractive wife "Jessica Kustler" (Evelyn Stewart). Although he is puzzled by this he is soon informed by a well-meaning stranger the exact reason why and from that point on Django rejects everyone's advice to leave town in order to resolve issues he wasn't aware of before. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a pretty good Spaghetti western which had plenty of action and a little bit of intrigue to keep things interesting. Along with that it also had two rather attractive actresses in Erika Blanc (as "Lucy") and the afore-mentioned Evelyn Stewart to brighten the scenery as well-with the latter being especially treacherous. In any case, while this was clearly not a great western by any means, it was certainly good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.