This film begins with an evil Pharaoh named "Amenhotep" (Paul Naschy) who tortures and kills innocent people for his wicked amusement. In addition to that his favorite concubine "Amarna" (Rina Ottolina) takes equal pleasure in his wanton acts of cruelty as well. Eventually, however, this catches up to them as Amarna is stabbed to death while Amenhotep is given a rare poison which doesn't kill him but leaves him in a paralyzed state which--combined with a certain mummification ritual--entombs him for life in his sarcophagus. And then one day a British archaeological expedition led by man named "Professor Nathan Stern" (Jack Taylor) finds his tomb and excavates the sarcophagus to the British Museum of Natural History in London where Amenhotep is revived by a greedy sycophant named "Assad Bey" (also played by Paul Naschy) and his beautiful assistant "Zanufer" (Helga Line). Unfortunately, this isn't enough for Amenhotep as he then offers power and wealth to the two if they agree to do whatever he orders. To that end they are sent out to capture and kill young women so that Amenhotep can drink their blood in order to attain eternal life. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film didn't follow the standard plot for a "Mummy film" in that the mummy was a pharaoh rather than the high priest. Likewise, the mummy didn't follow the orders of whoever revived him but gave them instead. Be that as it may, although it wasn't quite as good as some of the Hammer films it was okay for the most part with Helga Line and Maria Silva (as "Abigail") certainly adding to the scenery with their beauty and charm. Average.