Recently revisited the classic The Survivors (1983) on Tubi. The storyline revolves around two individuals who, by a stroke of fate, become friends after losing their jobs simultaneously and accidentally thwarting a hitman's plan. Following these events, the younger friend decides to retreat from society and join an extreme survivalist group in the mountains, while the older friend contemplates how to bounce back financially. However, when the vengeful hitman returns, the two friends must reunite and work together once more.
Directed by Michael Ritchie (The Golden Child), the film features an exceptional cast, including Walter Matthau (Grumpy Old Men), Robin Williams (Mrs. Doubtfire), Jerry Reed (Smokey and the Bandit) and James Wainwright (Beyond Westworld).
Walter Matthau and Robin Williams absolutely nailed their respective roles. Their facial expressions, mannerisms, and delivery of dialogue were flawless from start to finish. Robin Williams brought a wild, unpredictable, and utterly engaging quality to his character, making it impossible not to embrace his random and awkward persona. Matthau's reactions to Williams were consistently hilarious, and their on-screen chemistry was spot-on. Jerry Reed played a memorable villain, and the film's circumstances were uniquely entertaining within the comedy genre.
In conclusion, The Survivors is a distinctive and well-executed addition to the comedy genre. I would rate this a 7-7.5/10 and strongly recommend it.