First of all let's get some things out of the way. I'm amazed that one of the reviewers here praised Anthony Perkins' perfect English accent. I was working on subtitles for this title and Perkins practically gave up on trying an English accent for MOST of the title, except in one or two scenes, such as when he was in the hospital room and was interviewing one of the injured bad guys, he was trying to act all suave and James Bond so he pulled an okay English accent. But really he was rescued by his clever lines, although his delivery was good.
I thought The Glory Boys did a decent job trying to show both sides of the coin, mainly, the bad guys' motives. The Irish IRA guy pulled off a good performance. You could see by his emotions that he was torn by what he was doing, and near the end he's finally given closure in which he says he's tired, tired from running all the time. I know about the events that took place and still taking place with Northern Ireland and Britain, so I know what he fights for, though The Glory Boys doesn't even bother to mention a single detail, other than in the beginning when his girlfriend asks him where he comes from, and "if he blows things up". The Palestinian guy was okay, at first he was a bit unsure since it was his first time going on such a mission, but later he becomes determined. We don't exactly know why, other than when Perkins says they are all fanatics or something. It's not the most PC, The Glory Boys, but the ending was touché.