This is one of those movies that remind you of those TV offerings that are broadcast live, so no editing or retakes can make what you see seem perfect. It has a real start and stop feel to it and takes a long time to build up to its conclusion. Its frustrating watching competent actors, who are given a mediocre script, try to hash it out as best they can. The most successful in this attempt is clearly Anthony Perkins. His performance, despite the material and strange direction, is one of the finest I've seen in a very long time. His British accent is flawless, and the intensity and believability with which he delivers his lines is astounding. Most remarkable is his nervous, conclusive delivery of lines before putting away of one of the bad guys and after when he walks away from the fallen terrorist. I played it over and over. Its acting like none other. I believe that of all the roles in Mr. Perkins' great career, this was his finest performance. Its just too bad that the movie had to be sub-standard. Of mention, is Aaron Harris' wonderful job in portraying an Irish hired hit man. 2 out of 5 stars.