Anime from the early '80s this short lived series (many Japanese animated series are short lived) based heavily on the '60s British children's show "Thunderbirds" about an international rescue organization. The original program used puppets (awful) and models of the equipment and spacecraft (awesome). The plots were silly and the puppets annoying. The producers for this later went on to make a couple of S/F series (U.F.O. and Space 1999) and for some reason they all seemed to involve a character with white-blond hair. Go figure.
Some things CAN be made better. In my humble opinion "Thunderbirds 2086" is much superior to the original series in plot, characters, and technical areas. The Animation is some of the best for the early 1980s, the plots good enough for even adults to enjoy, and the characters and situations they are in believable (As hard as this may seem for Anime). The series has a nice on-going plot but each episode can be enjoyed on it's own without having seen all the previous episodes. Even the dubbing was good at a time when most dubbed Anime was somewhere between poor and unbearable. And NO dumb songs!
To my knowledge it was shown in syndication about 1986 because that's when I was watching it regularly. I don't know about Showtime or anything else, I was watching it on the local FOX affiliate.