'This is the land of my childhood. The oldest land on earth. The place of endless summer and soaring skies. This is Australia. The Outback. A harsh and unforgiving land. I can look back on it now across the track of 80 years and still remember what it was like. Standing on the very edge of a new frontier. Nature seemed much grander then, the stars are closer, the sun is hotter, the rivers wider and in my minds eye I can see all of us, moving through this giant landscape like a strange nomadic tribe. We were the drovers, the prospectors, squatters, and shearers. We were bushmen, simple men. The shape of our lives hammered out by drought and fire. All except for one. The outback could never forge him. He forged the outback. Tonight I want to tell you about the only man who ever tamed this land. Richard Eastwick. From out of nowhere he built an empire, yet like any man who tries to write his will across the sky, he paid the price'