Detectives Jack Breslin (Joe Cortese) and Frank Dileo (George Dzundza) are investigating a serial-killer, who slaughters his victims and removes their internal organs. While in the crime scene, Jack notices the constant presence of a beautiful young woman, Ta'Ra (Maryam d'Abo). He finds her and is convinced that she is a doctor from a prison in the outer space. She explains that the murderer is a powerful alien, who is able to change his appearance, that escaped from prison, and she is chasing him. They join forces trying to eliminate the menace to planet Earth. "Something Is Out There" is a good sci-fi B-movie, using a similar storyline of "The Hidden" (1987). The story mixes crime, horror, sci-fi and action, and has in the beauty of the British Maryam d'Abo one of its greatest attraction. There are some good lines, and the movie is a good entertainment. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Criatura Infernal" ("Infernal Creature")